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Finding Time To Yourself

Do you have alone time with your art?

Everybody has different stories and life situations right now. It might be different than it was a year ago. But, the point I am making here is that it is essential to carve out the time to be alone with your work , even 30 minutes a day. It sounds selfish to some who aren’t used to it, but it gets you away from distractions and puts your focus on your work. This way, you can focus on the one thing you want (painting, sculpting, drawing, writing). Having this alone time is essential because it takes a lot of concentration to get better at painting or any type of creative outlet. You need that time to be laser-focused. Avoid your phone and surfing the internet. Try to have the discipline of dedicating 30 minutes of uninterrupted painting time. This can be in the studio or out in the field.

You have to be a little bit “selfish” here. You may have to explain to people that you need this time to yourself. You will see a big improvement in your work if you are consistent with this. It should be only you and the painting. Time flies by and what you can do with that time is greater than what you may think. This is how you know you are in the zone! The reason I suggest 30 minutes is because a lot of you creators live busy lives. 30 minutes a day, five times a week really adds up and you will see improvement with this. The more time you put in, the more improvement. But, even 30 minutes can make a huge difference.

Paint small…do not start a huge painting with only 30 minutes of alone time a day. Start with an 8” x 10” or 6” x 8”. It is not about a masterpiece, it is about working through things you are still learning. We are still in the learning process, so focus on what you need to improve and learn. Personal time is important and everyone has 30 minutes a day. You have to give up something to get something. This could be TV, internet time, or something else. I just urge you to replace this with personal time and spend time with your art.

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