Are You Consistent?

The answer I give when someone asks how often I paint is: I pretty much paint every day! At least as much as I can. If you are not a professional artist, and have a full-time job, be consistent with giving yourself a 30 minute to 1 hour session per day. Be consistent in the sense that it has to be done at least 6 days a week. If you do not push yourself to try to paint every day, you won’t see growth. Within the topic of consistency, working from life is a really big part of it. Photographs are great, but for you to get the experience you need, you need to draw and paint from life. This is where you’ll get the foundation that will set you up for the rest of your life and journey in the painting world.

Consistency is important because we see this in all types of business, whether it has to do with painting or not. The more we do something, the better we get at it. We start to get that “rusty” feeling when we lack consistency, and you can see it come out in your painting. It is equally important to spend your allotted time the right way. Having 1 hour of consistent painting or drawing is better than having it scattered out. Make the time for yourself. It does not matter what size the painting or drawing is. This time for yourself is what makes your work better. It does not guarantee your success, but without it, you are going to have a very difficult time improving!

Register for my free webinar, “4 Key Mistakes to Avoid when Painting Rocks (and what to do instead),” with new dates & times added each day:

Listen more on why consistency matters on the Concept to Canvas podcast:


Hard Work Beats Talent


Painting From a Monitor (and Alternatives!)