Summer Tips


I want to start this post by saying: How appreciative I am of everyone's continued support. Thank you! I really enjoy sharing what I have learned over the years. I put a lot of thought into every video tutorial and written post to make sure I deliver information that will hopefully help the aspiring painter all the way up to the seasoned ones. Please keep your comments coming and I will be sure to answer.

SUMMER is almost here!

This is the season we wait for. As painters this is the time to head outdoors, set up our gear, and enjoy what nature has to offer. 

Depending upon your geographic location, the sunlight stays longer above the horizon line, and for us artists this means longer days to learn from direct observation just like our masters did in the past. This is the season, so get out there. It only comes once a year. There are no filters between your eyes and the subject. Outdoor painting is just like working out to stay in shape. When working from life, our time in relationship to the sun is limited, so completing a piece can be challenging. We have to work from instinct and passion without thinking of detail. This is one of the best ways to become a looser painter.

We all know adding to much detail into our paintings will not make it better, it can actually hurt it. Remember for a true artist painting outdoors is meant for observing and painting these notes on your canvas. It is not about painting a masterpiece. If you can, great, and I know many that do, but this is because they have always painted from life and going back to the studio was secondary. Usually I only to paint larger pieces from outdoor studies. Without these outdoor, smaller, observation pieces my larger studio work would lack light and atmosphere. We all know when we see these large or small beauties on museums walls. We are immediately drawn to them. It is the light that is shining in the the paining!
I hope all of you will get out there and enjoy this amazing season. Have fun observing without the pressure of creating a finished piece. When you have many months this winter, stuck in your studios, and you refer to these pieces you will no doubt have a great reference to work from.  Plus, the memories only will guide you through those long dark days without sunshine with a smile upon your face. 

PS: Here is a link to a previous post where I explain the importance of having the right outdoor gear can make the difference in how often you take the time to paint from life.


Studio or Outdoors?


Using Vine Charcoal