Painting in a New Space?
Some of you may have recently moved into a new studio or a new space to paint. Personally, for me, it takes a while to get used to it. With outdoor painting, I can be good to go anywhere because flexibility is a must when painting from life. But, inside, it is such a personal space that you step into every day (or most days) and it may take a while to get used to. Even with a space that might just be a square 10 x 10 room, there are four walls so you may not know where you are going to put your easel. The easel placement is the most important part because it’s where you spend most of your time. What I suggest is to give it some time and don’t rush in. You might regret where you put the easel if you do it too quickly.
Move some stuff in but make sure everything is on wheels so you can move and push them around at need be. I put bookshelves on wheels, too. Most of your supplies should be on wheels in your studio. You always need to be prepared to move, whether it is setting up a still life or whatever you want to paint. There are so many things that can happen within the studio.
“ The easel placement is the most important part because it’s where you spend most of your time. ”
I also suggest giving the place some time and seeing if it grows on you. It might not be the right place to paint for you…it happens! If you built a new studio and it is a larger space, you may need more time to move things around and figure out the right areas to paint. Personally, I have move things often based on where the light is been coming in. I don’t always need natural light but it is nice to have that ambient light around you. If you can have your back to a North or South facing window, you will get a nice light. This way, it is not direct light. If you have direct light you can’t avoid, get shade and control the light. Personalize it to fit you!
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