Trust the Process

I've been posting video blogs lately, but recently I received an email from a student. It was such a GREAT question that it made me want to share more about it here - with all of you!

I was asked; "When did you stop comparing your art to others".  Wait, Hmmm? I told you it was a great question!

Honestly, it's hard to not compare and contrast our work with others. But, comparison will kill you from the inside out. No matter how hard we try, we can't force ourselves to be exactly like someone else. And... why would you want to.  That's the real question to ask.   

Learning the craft takes time. There's no way around it, but if you stay true to yourself and learn and practice often the basic fundamentals - design, value and color you're bound to see results. Your confidence will build and your TRUE artistic style will appear.  

Remember we all are influenced by other artists, but never compare your work and wish you could have their successes.  The day I banished these negative thoughts from my mind, and focused on my capabilities, the better the artist I become and the more I am respected by my peers. 

So wouldn't you rather be the best version of yourself instead of a second rate version of someone else?  I believe in you.  

What guides you? How do you keep yourself inspired? Please share your thoughts and comments below.

To your prosperity,

PS: Let me walk you through the key steps to landscape painting.  CLICK HERE to see my full feature instructional videos.


Why you need to be consistent!


Planes of the shape